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The name of the Society shall be The Western Cape Numismatic Society.


The objectives of the Society shall be to:

  • Foster the study of numismatics.

  • Disseminate information about numismatics.

  • Encourage the hobby of coin, banknote, token and medal collecting.


The business of the Society shall be conducted in either Afrikaans or English.

Society Committee, the 'Committee'

  1. The Society shall be managed and guided by its Committee, who will oversee day-to-day running aspects, administrative arrangements, Society outings and interaction with others, financial processes and accountability.

  2. The Committee will issue an Addendum to the Constitution to describe Committee members' roles and responsibilities.

  3. The Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President (who will also serve as the Treasurer), Secretary, Liason Officer, and Webmaster.

  4. Committee members have to be existing Society members, who will be elected by the Society's members for a one year term at a time.

Society Members

  1. Society membership is open to any living person.

  2. The categories of membership are:

    • Ordinary member

    • Student member (cannot vote)

    • Life honorary member (A person awarded life membership to the Society by the Committee. The person can vote but does not pay subs).

  3. A new member should ideally be introduced by an existing member, or can apply directly to the Society.

  4. Membership fees will be determined for each member category and when due for payment by the Committee at appropriate intervals.

  5. Members are required to behave ethically in all Society matters and when acting as Society members, and agree to adhere to Committee requests and instructions, which will be as consultative as possible.

  6. Society membership will automatically expire after two months of not paying membership fees. Members may be suspended by a Committee decision if so required.


  1. Quarterly meetings

    • The Society would ideally meet quarterly per year, duly chaired by the President or Vice-President. No quarterly meetings may be held if not at least one of these officials is in attendance.

  2. Annual General Meeting, the 'AGM'

    • The Annual General Meeting of the Society must be held annually, ideally during February and can be part of the Society's quarterly meetings. The Society's President and Vice-President have to be present at the AGM and also a members quorum of 25% of Society members.


Society members' voting will be required on all matters that materially affect the Society and its Constitution. The preferred voting outside the AGM will be by reply e-mail to a Committee e-mail on topic/s, forwarded to all members. In an AGM, voting will be done by a show of hands or a confidential ballot (if super sensitive). A majority vote will carry, to be ratified by the Committee and then communicated to members. Voting by proxy at meetings is allowed.


All Society funds shall be held in a bank account and administered from there by the Treasurer/Vice-President. The Society authorises the Committee to open a Society bank account, to be controlled by at least two Committee signatures. The Status of the Society's finances, via bank statement or cash flow statement, should be available to any member within a reasonable time, should that be requested.

Society touch points

  1. Website

    • The Society website serves our objectives and is open to the public. The site's day-to-day administration is the Webmaster's responsibility, who will liaise between the website and the Committee.

  2. WhatsApp Group

    • A Society WhatsApp group is provided for regular communication between its members. Membership of the Society is not a prerequisite for this group, but at least one of the Committee members must approve new participants. The President will appoint the admin members of the group. Banning of group participants may only be decided by the Committee, who will instruct the group admin.

The Walter Bergman Trophy for Numismatic Endeavor

The trophy is awarded annually to a Society member by the members at the AGM. Any member of the Society may nominate a winner by e-mail to the Committee, at least a month before the AGM. The person with the most nominations wins, and the trophy is awarded at the AGM by the President. If the same number of nominations are received for the top nominee, members will vote for a winner.


In the event of dissolving the Society, the Committee will determine the process, including member consultation and voting, if required. The Societies' assets shall be donated or transferred to another organisation whose objective is to foster the study of numismatics in South Africa.


The Constitution was adopted for the Society on ....................................................................................................................................................

By: President ........................................................................................Vice President...........................................................................................

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